you can`t catch kyogre or groudon or both of them without linking them from sapphire, ruby or emerald version.
No, Groudon is a Ground-type Pokemon, but its Mega Evolve form is a Ground/Fire-type.
Pokemon Fire red: Raikou Suicune Entei Zapdos Articuno Moltres Mewtwo Mew. Pokemon Emerald: Rayquaza Deoxys Kyogre Groudon Latios Pokemon Pearl: Darkrai Palkia Dialga. Pokemon Black and white:Zekrom Reshiram Keldeo Meloetta Genesect Kyurem Victini
Sorry but you can't realy get Kyogre on Pokemon Fire red. you can only get in Saphirre or Emerald.then you can trade it from Saphirre/Emerald to fire red
You can only catch them in Pokemon fire red.
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.
Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. Groudon is the fire legendary pokemon, Kyogre is the water legendary pokemon, and Rayquaza is the air legendary pokemon.
they are fighting bcoz groudon is ground/fire Pokemon and comes from the word groud while kyogre is na water Pokemon
The legendary of Sapphire is Kyogre. It is the water Pokemon. In Pokemon Ruby, it's Groudon. It's a fire/ground type Pokemon.By the way i love kyogre.
you can't catch groundon in Pokemon fire red! you may be able to trade it from Pokemon ruby though.
You catch it in the Cave of Origin in Sootopolis City (Ruby Only) if you have Sapphire, you will encounter Kyogre in the Cave of Origin. You will have to encounter Groudon in the Seafloor Cavern before catching it in the Cave of Origin. It will be at the bottom of the cave and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A RED ORB WITH YOU Groudon will be at lv.45 with this Summary. Moves:Slash, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Bulk Up. Stats: (stats are random) Catch rate: 5
Neither. They are both Masters of their element (Fire/Water). The level of their power depends soley upon which has been better trained. I've defeated Groudon with Kyogre and Kyogre with Groudon so I know from experience...
The new forms of Groudon and Kyogre are called Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre which were their ancient forms that are awakened by their respective orbs; the Red Orb and the Blue Orb. Primal Kyogre retains Kyogre's Water-typing however it gains the Primordial Sea ability which activates a heavy version of Rain Dance until Primal Kyogre is removed from battle and during the ability's effects no Fire-type moves can be used.
No, Groudon is a Ground-type Pokemon, but its Mega Evolve form is a Ground/Fire-type.
i think kyogre is most strong because fire dosent hurt water but water hurts fire.I think that Kyorge is stronger because Groudon does have a grass type move (Solarbeam) which can take out Kyorge. But Kyorge has lots of water type moves so it can take down Groudon easy.
Groudon: Fire Cave; Kyogre: Water Cave; Rayquaza: Sky Pillar; Latios or Latias: roaming.You can obtain all of the old legendaries by trade, the new legendaries that are special for the game are Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza
It is one of the steps to catching Groudon.
here is how you catch GROUDON in soul silver. first you must get the starter from prof.oak. then beat all kanto gyms. then obtain red orb from mr.pokemon. then go to the caves near battle frontier. one cave will have groudon! WILL ANYONNE TRADE ME A GROUDOn. i will trade you a lv50 lugia!