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groudon is because he is a ground type and dialga is x10 weak to ground types

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Q: Who is better Groudon or Dialga?
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Where is groudon on sapphire?

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If they are battling together Groudon has the better chance of winning.

What r the 6 best Pokemon?

giratina palkia groudon lugia dialga and= Deoxys all level100! for me! =

Why do Dialga and Palkia fight?

It's the whole space, time thing like between groudon and kyogre.

Is girritena better than Dialga?

Giratina is much better than dialga

What Pokemon are strong besides girantina?

all of the legendaries and it depends on what Pokemon you like and lots of Pokemon are better than giratina such as: Mewtwo, Dialga, Darkrai, Palkia, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza and alot more

What should you use to beat Groudon lugia hooh Palkia mewtwo dialga?

Lugia and Palkia are super effective

Why is Dialga better?

dialga is not better then palkia people just say he is. really i think there the same and none of them are better.:P

Is Groudon stronger than Dialga?

yes,because diagla is a young legandary pokemon so he's weaker and Groudon is twice his size,and i know because i've fought groudon on a bunch of games and i always faint fighting him,but most of the time i beat him.