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Once you beat the beauties in their big 'suits' and you have to re-kill them in normal form use a gun that uses tranquilizer rounds to knock them out

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Q: How do you get face camos in mgs4?
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If you are referring to outfit camos, then you earn them by leveling up. If you are talking about gun camos, you need to pay to become a "Premium Player".

Will there be a sequel to mgs4?

NO unfortunately Hideo Kojima has repeatedly announced he wouldn't be making a sequel to MGS4

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MGS4 stands for Metal gear solid 4 itz a PS3 game

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no itz not

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The Logo on Solid Snake's Combat Vest in MGS4 means Philanthropy.

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Big Boss Dies in MGS4. Don't get mad at me if you haven't played MGS4....the question was asked, and I answered it.

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It is not, the mgs4 could be made for ps2 as well if they ever made it like that. For me complain to the people that made the game.

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Yes it does it camos in trees

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Can you play as raiden on mgs4?

Well, you can't really play AS him. There are two face camo items called Raiden A and Raiden B that you can acquire that make you look like him, though.