You have to buy the passes with real money but when you are 3 years old they give you a free pass! Add me Crystaly3 i hoped this helped (=
No, there is only 1 Babydow. However Babydow is available in a few different lanuages for example French. So if you join the English Babydow it would be okay to join the French Babydow because they are considered different websites.
Howrse and Babydow are two of the games made by Owlient. Howrse is where you have your own horse, and Babydow is where you have your own kid.
Im a HUGE Babydow fan! So, here is a list of websites that I also enjoy. (made by the same people as babydow) (Im not a fan but some people like it) (requires purchase) (it can sometimes be slow) Hope this helped, personaly, I love Howrse just as much as Babydow! Try it out!
With an Arnica Workshop from the Fairy Forest.
Get them in the market
there is not cheats all you have to do is call and pay for them and im on babydow my name is rooroo99
I am afraid that there are no recent and valid cheatcodes. the only other way is to pay for a pass on the babydow home site
You have to have a pass to buy a pet. Its in the fairy forest!
Buy one for a pass in the fairy forest. :)
Well, your apprentices has their first pass, you will get a free pass too!
They were in the fairy forest for 4 pass each, but they are no more.
Sometimes you get a free pass on your tenth day and when your babydow goes to school and gets a good uniform color such as red or gold and answer all questions correct them you also get a pass
Send a baby to school with a red or gold uniform.
Send a baby to school with a gold or red uniform.
sucking penis`s
Used to be on the pass page, but the codes don't work anymore.