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All corrupt weaponry and armour are dropped from players in pvp worlds.

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Q: How do you get a corrupt dragon mace in RuneScape?
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How do you get corrupt dragon items in runescape?

Corrupt dragon items can only be obtained by buying them or by rare pvp drops.

How do you corrupt a dragon dagger on Runescape?

The Answer Is: You Can't. You can only buy a corrupt dragon dagger or pk in a pvp world for one. There is no way you can corrupt any dragon weapons.

What does dragon mace special do runescape?

Dragon MaceName: ShatterSpecial Attack Energy: 25%This is a very powerful attack using the Dragon Mace, however your speed and accuracy will be greatly reduced.

Do you have to be a mem to receive dragon armer on runescape?

Yes, unless it is corrupt dragon armour

What is the best drop you can get in free worlds on RuneScape?

The most expensive drop you can get on runescape is the corrupt dragon battleaxe at 3.9m

Is there a corrupt dragon axe in RuneScape?

At the current time no, it's highly unlikely that there ever will be.

What quest in runescape do you need to do to be able to wield dragon mace?

Heroes quest, which also supplies you with the ability to weild a dragon battle axe.

On runescape how long can you keep corrupt dragon armour?

30 minutes . If you get corrupt dragon by killing players, go to the nearest bank and withdraw some runes and teleport to varrok.

Were is the corrupt dragon armor in AQWorlds?

corrupt stuff is only gained trough killing players in pvp or buying from anohter player or the grand exchange. @above That's Runescape isn't it? There is no Corrupt Dragon armor in AQWorlds.

On runescape when corrupt dragon turns to dust is it still a whole weapon or does it turn to dust?

it would dust be nothing

What is dragon mace code for frugooscape?

1435 is the dragon mace code for!!

What happens if you wear corrupt armor in Runescape?

Corrupt dragon armour offers similar stats to Dragon armour, however it degrades. Nothing will happen by simply wearing corrupt armour, however while in combat it will degrade and turn to dust by the end of its use. Otherwise, it is the harmless free-player counterpart of dragon armour.