no u cant.... but of late they came out with corrupt dragon armour that free players can obtain from pvp combat and its really expensive in the ge plus it degrades fast so i dont recomend it.........looks stange too.....
the best armour for free to play players is the new corrupt dragon armour. The stats are just like the dragon armour except the corrupt dragon armour is for free players (non-members)
no you can't. you have to be member to fight them u can only fight one dragon if ur not a member and its the one in "Dragon Slayer Quest"
Sara sword ^^ i gotted one i dont know what the best item is but this is a lie you cant get sara sword on runescape to my knowlage you can only get the sara armour but it may be a members only item as i am only a free player
Dragon Fable
Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.
Corrupt dragon armour offers similar stats to Dragon armour, however it degrades. Nothing will happen by simply wearing corrupt armour, however while in combat it will degrade and turn to dust by the end of its use. Otherwise, it is the harmless free-player counterpart of dragon armour.
The best Armour for Free-to-play characters are: Corrupt dragon - Melee Green D'hide - Ranged Combat Robes - Magic
the best armour for free to play players is the new corrupt dragon armour. The stats are just like the dragon armour except the corrupt dragon armour is for free players (non-members)
The only Guthix items in RuneScape f2p is the Guthix rune armour. The only way you could get these items for free are via gift, drop party, or player killing.
you cant trim armour in rs(runescape) so when you see somone say free armour trimming there just scamming you but you could do that to people
If you are a member, regular dragon things will not desinigrate. If you are a free player, Dragon things will disinegrate, members dragon is red, and free players is dark red. Dark red disinegrates, and red does not.
runescape becase unlike runescape its multi player and on runescape it not so much to be a member unlike dragon fabe. i use to dragon fabel. so i thought it was fun but when i found runescape i left dragon fabel and on runescape you get more stuff
The only free dragon is elvarg, from dragon slayer
no you can't. you have to be member to fight them u can only fight one dragon if ur not a member and its the one in "Dragon Slayer Quest"
yes you can wear it as a free player in runescape and if you get a mask good on you
The most expensive drop you can get on runescape is the corrupt dragon battleaxe at 3.9m