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Get 8 diamonds, and go into a crafting table. Put 1 diamond in every slot of it except the top middle.

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Q: How do you get a Minecraft diamond chestplate?
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How do you make a chestplate minecraft?

You can make one out of diamond, iron, gold, or leather like this MEM MMM MMM M=One of the materials E=Empty

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You use leggings in Minecraft as a piece of armor. They are the second best piece in a set after the chestplate.

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You cannot craft it. Sorry.

How do you make a chestplate in minecraft?

8 of leather,iron,fire,diamond and gold and fill in the middle and lowest row and on the top row leave the top middle free of any item and fill all the rest hope this helped :)

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the roman chestplate is called a cenducian wich is latin for chestplate

How do you make iron chestplate in minecraft?

You place iron ingot on all but the top middle slot in the crafting table. For more information, see related link below.

What do mine diamond with in minecraft?

Ether a iron pick or an diamond.

How deep is diamond in minecraft?

Diamond is 10th layer and below

What do you use leather for on Minecraft?

Leather can be used for armor: helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots. Check out the link under "Sources and related links" below this answer for information about how to make armor.

What is the item id for a diamond pick in minecraft?

The item ID for a diamond pick in Minecraft is 278. I have linked you below in the related links of a full list of all the ID's in Minecraft.

How do you get a diamond pick-axe in Minecraft pocket edition on the iPad 2 if there isn't a crafting tables?

There are no diamond picks in Minecraft PE.

What is the 'Minecraft diamond song' called?

There is a Minecraft song called 'In Search of Diamonds'.