Leather can be used for armor: helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots. Check out the link under "Sources and related links" below this answer for information about how to make armor.
You can use 4 of them to craft leather. Apart from that, they don't have much use.
You can store water in it, one use is for washing dyed leather armour.
Leather is harvested by killing cows.
You can use it to make armour, in the same way as you can make it from Iron Ingots.
You kill cows for it, and they either drop food, or leather. You can't make leather out of anything else, you have to get it.
You can use 4 of them to craft leather. Apart from that, they don't have much use.
You can use leather, gold, diamond, and iron
You can store water in it, one use is for washing dyed leather armour.
Leather is harvested by killing cows.
You can use it to make armour, in the same way as you can make it from Iron Ingots.
Leather armor
You kill cows for it, and they either drop food, or leather. You can't make leather out of anything else, you have to get it.
Kill cows. They will drop leather and you can make leather armour.
L= Leather N=Nothing NNN LNL LNL
Three leather
minecraft wiki it 1-4) Leather armour, there are 4 pieces