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one one island.To get it you must be able to surf.Surf to kindle road and keep going up until you see karate people.Defeat the karate people(each of them has 2 machokes,between level 35 to 40).Go a little further until you see a cave opening.That's the Ember Spa.Go inside and talk to the old man all the way in the back.He will give you the hm Rock Smash.

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Q: How do you get HM rock smash in pokemon leafgreen?
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In pokemon leafgreen when can you use rock smash?

As soon as you get the 7th badge and the HM rock smash.

What are the hm's in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The HM's that are in leafgreen are: Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Flash, Rock Smash, Waterfall.

What HM can you use after beating Sabrina Pokemon LeafGreen?

Rock smash

Where do you get hm rock smash on Pokemon LeafGreen?

The HM06 which contains Rock Smash is given by an old man on One Island in the ember spa.

How do you smash rocks in Pokemon LeafGreen?

1) Find the HM Rock Smash. 2) Tech it to a Pokemon 3) Press A while facing the rock you want to crush.

Where do you find HM rock smash on Pokemon LeafGreen?

The HM06 which contains Rock Smash is given by an old man on One Island in the ember spa.

Where do you get the rock smash disk on Pokemon LeafGreen?

go into the ember spa on 1 island. one of the dudes in there will give u the rock smash HM.

Where can you find the HM rocksmach on Pokemon LeafGreen?

On island 1 there is a hot spring, an old guy in it gives you the HM rock smash

In Pokemon LeafGreen where do you get the hm rock smash?

On one island use Surf and go north reach the Ember Spa and enter find an old man in the corner and talk to him to get the HM rock smash.

How do you get the hm rocksmash in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Go to one island. Then talk to every person. One of them has rock smash!

Where is the HM rock smash in pokemon black?

Rock Smash isn't an HM in this game.

How do you get the HM rock smash Pokemon LeafGreen?

You get that HM in MT Ember in one island. you can go to to one island after beating cinnanbar gym leader.