To feed your boonies on movie star planet all you have to do it click the hamburger in the top left corner.
All you have to do is not feed the animal.... Anyways why would you want to kill your boonies. My username is Poppy0529... Need anymore help or questions just note me on moviestarplanet.
It means that it is dying and it will run away if you don't feed it the right berries.
at some point of the game you will be told to talk to justin and he will explain it to you. all you have to do for him is find the equiptment it will then be in your inventory. drag it over th your horse and if it is highlighted green it will work . xx hope this helps
you feed them RAW MEAT from cows
No, only animal feed. Bird Feed is just in the shed.
You can try a mix of baking soda and water with a splash of seltzer. If they have it on your planet, try a pinch of sesame too. Well if they're sick you have to click on your boonie or pet pet, then its says you have to feed then medicine foe 50 starcoins.
feed it
You have to feed it untill 9 points then it gets bigger i think..thats what happened to mine and its level 0 -.-
Yes, they can if you don't feed them, don't wash them or do anything with them and just leave them there.
You can make your boonie bigger on MovieStarPlanet by feeding it different foods that increase its size and energy levels. You can also play games with your boonie to earn more coins to buy items that may help make it bigger. Additionally, you can interact and socialize with other players to receive gifts or rewards that can benefit your boonie's growth.
You feed your pet and when the food points are at 9/9 feed it one more time and it will move to the next level and grow
feed it every day or two & wash it. After a while it will eventually grow. Or, if you have diamonds, you can spend some on making your pet grow.
The best answer is to go to the youtube video Bonsters and Boonies it teaches you everything
All you have to do is not feed the animal.... Anyways why would you want to kill your boonies. My username is Poppy0529... Need anymore help or questions just note me on moviestarplanet.
feed it every 8 hour 9times then 1 more i working for me Trinity Gray and my pet ,the pet hacker got me so yeah iv asked lot of owner with full grown pets so TA DA there's the answer :)
Make it through the level until you find the second island inhabited by penguins near the cannon. Follow the walkway until you find a Luma by another cannon. Feed him the 40 star bits required. When the second planet is launched, convert to Bee Mario and collect all the musical notes. Move towards the planet's core and grab the star.
when you get to the collection of planets with a ring with a planet in the middle, and two planets off to the side, go under the planet you land on: there's a hungry luma. feed it and go to the planet it becomes. collect the five silver stars and the green one appears.