Often one finds that English words are derived from Greek words. This couldn't be farther from the truth with the Greek word Polis. The Greek word Polis is found in modern words: metropolis, Annapolis,and Minneapolis.
it comes from Odysseus. His long journey home to Ithaca after the Trojan war is an odyssey after his name.
The noun 'journey' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.The word 'journey' is also a verb: journey, journeys, journeying, journeyed.
여행 = journey
The word odyssey is related to odysseus journey because the word odyssey means a long journey and odysseus journey home took him 20 years
Eimi is Greek for "I am" Eimi is also ancient Greek for 'I will go'.
Guitar originated as a Greek word: κιθάραIt also made its way toFrench: guitareSpanish: guitarra (the word we used to get guitar)Italian: chitarraIt also had a separate journey through the Latin form:citharaItalian: cetraOld High German: citharaModern German: zitherFrench: cithareEnglish: cither
The base word for "to go on a journey" is "travel."
An Odyssey.
the greek word for egg is: avgo