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Q: Greek word for journey
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Related questions

What is the greek word for journey?


What is the ancient greek origin for the word odyssey?

it comes from Odysseus. His long journey home to Ithaca after the Trojan war is an odyssey after his name.

What long journey is from the name of a Greek king who had a long journey at sea?


What type of noun is the word Journey?

The noun 'journey' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a concept; a word for a thing.The word 'journey' is also a verb: journey, journeys, journeying, journeyed.

What is the korean word for journey?

여행 = journey

How is the word Odyssey related to Odysseus journey?

The word odyssey is related to odysseus journey because the word odyssey means a long journey and odysseus journey home took him 20 years

Eimi a journey through soviet russia what does eimi stand for in the title Eimi a journey through soviet Russia?

Eimi is Greek for "I am" Eimi is also ancient Greek for 'I will go'.

Is the word guitar French Latin or Greek?

Guitar originated as a Greek word: κιθάραIt also made its way toFrench: guitareSpanish: guitarra (the word we used to get guitar)Italian: chitarraIt also had a separate journey through the Latin form:citharaItalian: cetraOld High German: citharaModern German: zitherFrench: cithareEnglish: cither

What is the base word that means to go on a journey?

The base word for "to go on a journey" is "travel."

Which character from Greek mythology had a long and wandering journey?


Any long journey named after a Greek king?

An Odyssey.

What is the greek word for egg?

the greek word for egg is: avgo