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I play Platinum on the DS Lite, and for mine it says the "Y" Button. But for some reason when I go into my Key Items it actually doesn't bind the Key Item, so I am not completely sure why, if anyone could answer that question for me, hah.

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Q: How do you assign an item to the key item button?
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How do you add key items to the y button on the ds for Pokemon soul silver?

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To move key items or any item press the Select button then go to the spot where you want the item and press Select again and it will be their, if you want the item at the top go past the current key item at the top of the list.

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do you have cap locks on, but even then you could probly still do it. Cheak the key configurations and see if that is still the correct key and if not assign it.

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Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.Click on the Fill Color tool icon. You could also write a macro to change the colour and assign it to a button on the worksheet.

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key item.

When was Key Item created?

Key Item was created in 1968.

Another option to launch the Microsoft Excel?

you can assign shortcut key to application by right clicking and choose properties then under shortcut key assign something you will remember

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You can say what a thing is

How do you delete a key item in pokemon pearl?

You can't delete a key item!