To move key items or any item press the Select button then go to the spot where you want the item and press Select again and it will be their, if you want the item at the top go past the current key item at the top of the list.
that's' impossible you can never run out of room for key items
There is a basement lab with a bunch of scientist and wild ditto, there is an item ball with the key in it.
you can't delet key items in any Pokemon games.
use the item finder app on your poke wach and look around the hotel use the item finder app on your poke wach and look around the hotel
that's' impossible you can never run out of room for key items
There is a basement lab with a bunch of scientist and wild ditto, there is an item ball with the key in it.
The Special Key is a key item in Pokemon Diamond. You can find this item in a warehouse in Veilstone City.
Maybe your Pokemon is holding a key item, or your Pokemon might know a hm move or your game might be messed up
You can't delete a key item!
A Key Item is an item in the Key Items Pocket that you can register and use by only pressing the X button.
There's no item known as the Darkness Key in Pokemon. At all.
No you can't trade key items. A Pokemon can't hold a key item.
you can't delet key items in any Pokemon games.
in pokemon diamond it is i don't know about the others
In Pokemon Fire Red, you use Hidden Moves by opening you Bag while in a field outside of a battle, going to Key Items, press the A button on the item, TMs Bag, and then go to any Hidden Moves you want to use. Press A on it until you are to choose which Pokemon to teach it to. After you have your choice, decide which current move you wish to forget so the Pokemon can learn the Hidden Move, and you're done! The Pokemon will have known the HM that you wanted it to learn.