key items you can't trash but you can trash other items by pressing "trash" on the menu when you select the item
you cant its a key item but you gan trade the shaymin
Actually, yes you can. South from where she is there's a hidden key, you have to use the item finder to get it.
This key is non-existent.
The Member's Card key item is only available as of an Event that has yet to happen or though hacking. If you live in Japan and own the Pokemon Platinum game, this key item will be released sometime in December. However, this item has yet to have an American or Diamond and Pearl release. i want a free member ship in
The Special Key is a key item in Pokemon Diamond. You can find this item in a warehouse in Veilstone City.
key items you can't trash but you can trash other items by pressing "trash" on the menu when you select the item
in pokemon diamond it is i don't know about the others
The key is called the Secret Key. It is an event item that unlocks the other forms of Rotom.
Its a key item used to get arceus, oonly achievable by getting at event :(
you just look with your item finder in the back of the reception counter
The Galactic Key is a reusable item. Use it to death and it'll still be there.
Its not a item. Actually it's a ability most bug type have for getting rid of stat problems (Poison, Sleep, Paralaysis) and all those.
Unfornatately, you can't get the Secert Key in Diamond. It is an exclusive item only for Platinum. It can change Rotom's form from Heat to Fan,etc. It really is awesome.
Anywhere outside. just use the explorer kit which is in the key item pocket.
You can't get rid of an item.
you cant its a key item but you gan trade the shaymin