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It doesn't on any of the games, and you can't teach it to him/her with a

TM either. To find out the answer to questions like this one and many more look up

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Q: What level does the Pokemon relicanth learn dig?
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Can relicanth learn dig?


What lv does relicanth learn dig?

Relicanth doesn't learn dig. The only ground attack it learns naturally is Mud Sport which doesn't even do any damage. If your interested, Relicanth is able to learn the earthquake TM, which is another ground move, but it doesn't learn dig.

How do you get trappinch to learn dig?

Trapinch can learn Dig by itself at level 29 in Pokemon X and Y. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it can learn Dig at level 19.

When does a sandslash learn dig?

Sandslash learns Dig at level 30 in Pokemon X and Y. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it can learn Dig at level 33.

Who can learn dig in Pokemon sapphire?

trapinch can learn dig on level 41 The move dig is a TM that you get from somewhere, you can teach is to any Pokemon that is able.

When does nincada learn dig?

In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Nincada can learn Dig at level 45. It can learn Dig at a earlier level by using TM 28.

In pokemon leaf green what level should Diglett be to learn dig?

In Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, Diglett can learn Dig at level 17, which is a nice and early level for a good move.

What level does sandshrew learn dig in Pokemon ruby?

Sandshrew learns dig at level 30 in Pokemon Sapphire. The ability to naturally learn dig make Sandshrew a valuable Pokemon. Since he can learn dig itself you don't have to use the TM dig on it.

What level does ninjask learn dig in Pokemon emerald?

If you level it up to level 45 you will be able to let it learn dig, but remember you'll have to delete a move to learn it.

What level does graveler learn dig in Pokemon ruby?

Dig is a TM, so you can teach it to it at any level.

What pokemon have dig?

sandshrew can eventually learn it at level 44

How do you get into sealed chamber on route 133 in emerald?

Get relicanth and wailord. Put relicanth in the first slot and the wailord in the last. Then make a pokemon who has dig use dig.