Level 25.
Graveler is a common Pokemon that can be found on the first Basement of Victory Road. You'll need to use Rock Smash.
level 5
Swampert does not learn Hydro Pump.
Sandslash learns Dig at level 30 in Pokemon X and Y. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it can learn Dig at level 33.
rock throw
trade a graveler
level 75
Level 25.
Graveler is a common Pokemon that can be found on the first Basement of Victory Road. You'll need to use Rock Smash.
Trapinch learns Dig at level 41 in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
You just level it up to level 50
level 5
lv 1
lv. 60
Swampert does not learn Hydro Pump.
geodude, graveler, rhyhorn, relicanth, regirock, nosepass,