Graveler is a common Pokemon that can be found on the first Basement of Victory Road. You'll need to use Rock Smash.
Dig is a TM, so you can teach it to it at any level.
In the game Pokemon ruby destiny
Graveler evolves when you tade it :)
Graveler evolves when traded.
You have to trade Graveler to someone for it to evolve into a Golem.
trade a graveler
rock throw
geodude, graveler, rhyhorn, relicanth, regirock, nosepass,
you cant catch golem in ruby the only way to get golem is to trade a graveler. after trade when you get graveler it evolves into golem same with kadabra. trade that it evolves into alakazam
Trade it to another person and back lol
Dig is a TM, so you can teach it to it at any level.
Iron Island
Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.
you can not catch graveler on Pokemon white Sorry:):):):)
Route 45 is probably the best place.
yes by trading