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Q: Where do you find salamence on Pokemon ruby?
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Pokemon ruby where to find salamence?

Elite Four Drake (Dragon-type user) has a Salamence.

Where can you find salemence in Pokemon ruby?

you can't get him directly in salamence form you have to catch bagon in meteor falls then evolve it to shelgon then into salamence

What is a good flying Pokemon in Pokemon ruby?

Swellow Salamence

Where to find a salamence on Pokemon Ruby?

There's a small room that opens up after you beat the elite 4. It will have a TM on the land and a 25% chance to find a bagon. Level it to 50 and it evolves into a salamence.

What dragon Pokemon are in ruby?

The only in-game dragon Pokemon you can get are salamence, altaria, and rayquaza

How do you get Salamence in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Migrate it from LeafGreen, FireRed, Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald

Where do you find salamence in Pokemon Diamond?

No where

Which Pokemon do you beat the elite four with on ruby?

Blaziken Aggron Salamence Groudon Exploud Hariyama

What is the Pokemon team in Pokemon ruby version no legendary?

Alakazam,Salamence,Walrein,Sceptile,Aggron,Metagross. :) is the ideal team :)

Where can you find a salamence in the Pokemon league in Pokemon pearl?

You dont

Is salamance in Pokemon FireRed?

No, salamence can only be found in the Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald versions of Pokemon. They can be obtained by catching a Bagon at Meteor Falls, and then evolving it into Shellgon at level 30, and then Salamence at level 50.

Can you get a salmenance in Pokemon Silver edition?

No. Salamence is a 3rd generation Pokemon and can only be obtained in Pokemon ruby, sapphire, emerald , diamond, pearl and platinum.