Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type pokemon.
go to route 210 from Nathan
In the game Pokemon ruby destiny
You can get Salamence by: Transferring it into Pokemon White. Trade for it. Get a Bagon or Shelgon to evolve into Salamence.
salamence is weak against ice and dragon type moves. So use it's weakness.
Elite Four Drake (Dragon-type user) has a Salamence.
you can't get him directly in salamence form you have to catch bagon in meteor falls then evolve it to shelgon then into salamence
Swellow Salamence
There's a small room that opens up after you beat the elite 4. It will have a TM on the land and a 25% chance to find a bagon. Level it to 50 and it evolves into a salamence.
The only in-game dragon Pokemon you can get are salamence, altaria, and rayquaza
Migrate it from LeafGreen, FireRed, Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald
No where
Blaziken Aggron Salamence Groudon Exploud Hariyama
Alakazam,Salamence,Walrein,Sceptile,Aggron,Metagross. :) is the ideal team :)
You dont
No, salamence can only be found in the Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald versions of Pokemon. They can be obtained by catching a Bagon at Meteor Falls, and then evolving it into Shellgon at level 30, and then Salamence at level 50.
No. Salamence is a 3rd generation Pokemon and can only be obtained in Pokemon ruby, sapphire, emerald , diamond, pearl and platinum.