Gible already learns the moves sand attack, tackle, dragon rage, sandstorm, take down, and sand tomb prior to evolving. After it evolves at level 24 into Gabite is when it starts to learn some of its better moves. These include slash at level 28, dragon claw at level 33, dig at level 40, and dragon rush at level 49.
In Pokémon Diamond, Gabite will need to go to the Move Remember's in the order of not knowing Tackle, Sand-attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Take Down or Sand Tomb however it'll learn Slash at Level 28, Dragon Claw at Level 33, Dig at Level 40 and Dragon Rush at Level 49. Garchomp will need to go to the Move Remember in the event of not knowing Tackle, Fire Fang, Sand Attack, Sandstorm, Dragon Rage, Sand Tomb, Take Down, Slash, Dragon Claw and Dig however it will learn Crunch at Level 48 and it will alsao learn Dragon Rush at Level 55.
Gabite evolves at level 48.
If you level it up to level 45 you will be able to let it learn dig, but remember you'll have to delete a move to learn it.
Ninjask can be taught TM28- Dig.
gible will evolve to gabite when he is level 24 but i suggest evolve your gabite until he is level 27 he will learn dragon claw earlier (n_n)
Gible already learns the moves sand attack, tackle, dragon rage, sandstorm, take down, and sand tomb prior to evolving. After it evolves at level 24 into Gabite is when it starts to learn some of its better moves. These include slash at level 28, dragon claw at level 33, dig at level 40, and dragon rush at level 49.
Groudon can learn TM28- Dig.
Camerupt can learn Dig by using the TM Dig. It cannot learn Dig by leveling up.
To evolve gabite into gachomp you have to level gabite to 48
In Pokémon Diamond, Gabite will need to go to the Move Remember's in the order of not knowing Tackle, Sand-attack, Dragon Rage, Sandstorm, Take Down or Sand Tomb however it'll learn Slash at Level 28, Dragon Claw at Level 33, Dig at Level 40 and Dragon Rush at Level 49. Garchomp will need to go to the Move Remember in the event of not knowing Tackle, Fire Fang, Sand Attack, Sandstorm, Dragon Rage, Sand Tomb, Take Down, Slash, Dragon Claw and Dig however it will learn Crunch at Level 48 and it will alsao learn Dragon Rush at Level 55.
Nincada learns dig at level 45.
Gabite evolves at level 48.
Linoone does not learn Dig by leveling up, instead it needs the TM to learn Dig.
If you level it up to level 45 you will be able to let it learn dig, but remember you'll have to delete a move to learn it.
Trapinch can learn Dig by itself at level 29 in Pokemon X and Y. In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, it can learn Dig at level 19.
Gabite evolves at level 48