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First you have to obtain an Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod city after talking to him in Ecutrek. Then train ,battle , groom the eevee until it is fully happy. (There is a lady who will indicate when Eevee is really happy in goldenrod ( She is in the opposite side of Bills house)). Then level Eevee up during the day time and it will become and Espeon. However if you level it up during night time it will become an Umbreon.

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Q: How do you get Espeon in Pokemon Soul Silver?
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Pikachu into Raichu, and Eevee into Jolteon. I don't recommend evolving Eevee into Jolteon. Espeon is way better.

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How do you get an Espeon in Pokemon Silver?

You have to play with eevee in the day.

How do you get an how to get an Espeon on Pokemon Silver?

train your eevee in the afternoon

How do you get espeon on SoulSilver?

In Pokemon soul silver you get eevee from goldenrod city, go to bills house talk to him (after you've met him in Ecruteak) and he will give you a eevee, level it up with max happiness during the day and it will evolve into espeon.

Which of eevees' evolved forms are better for Pokemon silver?

Espeon or Vaporeon.

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sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver

Should you get Pokemon Soul Silver?

Soul silver is AWESOMENESS!! yes GET IT

How many Pokemon are in Pokemon soul silver?

According to there are 493 Pokemon in Soul Silver.

Where is the Pokemon contest on Pokemon soul sivler?

You can't do Pokemon contests in Pokemon soul silver.

In Pokemon Soul Silver how do you get espeeon?

if you talk to Bill in Goldenrod city he'll give you an eevee at lv. 5. It evolves into espeon by leveling it up when it has a high happiness. you can also get your pokemon's happiness checked at a house in goldenrod city.

Where is Espeon in Pokemon Silver?

evovle by makeing eevee happy & level up at morning