In Pokemon soul silver you get eevee from goldenrod city, go to bills house talk to him (after you've met him in Ecruteak) and he will give you a eevee, level it up with max happiness during the day and it will evolve into espeon.
Up your friendship with Eevee, then level it up during the day.
espeon is psychic type!
There are no wild Espeon. Ever.
Espeon does not learn Thunder. Jolteon learns it, however.
When it's love for you is at the maximum level, it will evolve into espeon during the day.
I have heard from sources that you can get an eevee from Bill and you evolve eevee into espeon by making it like you a lot and evolving it in the morning. Otherwise, you can't.
Pikachu, Lapras, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Espeon.
Up your friendship with Eevee, then level it up during the day.
level up eeve between 4 am to 8 pm with high enough friendship
If you are referring to Pokemon Platinum, HeartGold or SoulSilver, the last move Espeon learns is Power Swap (Psychic, Status) at Level 78. If you are referring to earlier versions of Pokemon, the last move Espeon learns is Morning Sun (Normal, Status) at Level 71.
You have to increase the happiness of the eevee first, then level it up in the daytime.
I don't know, but I heard if you get an evee, train it at night ONLY. If you train it in the morning and evening, it will turn into an espeon instead of an umbreon.It's impossible.
You can either earn points at the pokemon-a-thon and buy a prize Water/Fire/Thunderstone (Firestone can be bought at Tuesdays, Waterstone at Wednesdays and Thunderstone at Thursdays. They all cost 2500 points). To evolve into Espeon or Umbreon you have to increase its happiness at day (Espeon) or night (Umbreon).
espeon is psychic type!
Espeon cannot evolve.
There are no wild Espeon. Ever.
Once you have beaten the game there is an island that you will find rare Pokemon and you will catch an evve which you can use the moonstone or other stone to make it evlove. The only evolved form you can catch of eve is umbreon.