When you go into the menu, it gives you three options, use, sel, or quit. i always thought sel meant to sell it or something, so i never pushed it. but that means select, and that will let you easily press select to use the bike.
Assign a button or key to the "select" command in the controller configuration settings.
When you go into the menu, it gives you three options, use, sel, or quit. i always thought sel meant to sell it or something, so i never pushed it. but that means select, and that will let you easily press select to use the bike
There are no running shoes in Pokemon Crystal. The running ability becomes available in the third generation (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, commonly referred to as Gen III or R/S/E). You can, however, get a Bike in Pokemon Crystal, which is faster than running. If you set your Bike to the SELECT button, it is basically the equivalent of running.
just simply press up on the control plus B button and then the select button all at the same time ( up + B button + select)
click new game or click UP button SELECT AND B
Assign a button or key to the "select" command in the controller configuration settings.
When you go into the menu, it gives you three options, use, sel, or quit. i always thought sel meant to sell it or something, so i never pushed it. but that means select, and that will let you easily press select to use the bike
during a fight, select Pokemon, then select on the desired Pokemon then select switch. if not on a fight, press the menu button then select Pokemon, select on the desired Pokemon and press switch.
There are no running shoes in Pokemon Crystal. The running ability becomes available in the third generation (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, commonly referred to as Gen III or R/S/E). You can, however, get a Bike in Pokemon Crystal, which is faster than running. If you set your Bike to the SELECT button, it is basically the equivalent of running.
like Pokemon soulsilver and heartgold, you press down on the control pad, the select button and then b button.
The "Shift" under "Enter"
just simply press up on the control plus B button and then the select button all at the same time ( up + B button + select)
The bottom right corner of the screen says something like Pokemon and you need a live Pokemon in your party 1. select Pokemon button 2. choose Pokemon 3. select shift
go to menu, then go to your pokemon, and select one, the menu will come up with a 'Switch' button
Nothing except A, B, Start, Select that resets the game.
Press UP + SELECT + B Button on the title page.