When you go into the menu, it gives you three options, use, sel, or quit. i always thought sel meant to sell it or something, so i never pushed it. but that means select, and that will let you easily press select to use the bike
Go to your bag (by pressing the X button) and select Key Items and select the Dowsing Machine. The dowsing machine will tell you where to go by pointing out a direction.
press up select and L (for bag items) if this doesn't work blow on your L button it seems to be common for it to be broken
If you go to your bag and head to the key items pocket choose an item like your mach bike or acro bike then choose register now press select after leaving the bag menu and you will automatically ride your bike.
key items you can't trash but you can trash other items by pressing "trash" on the menu when you select the item
To move key items or any item press the Select button then go to the spot where you want the item and press Select again and it will be their, if you want the item at the top go past the current key item at the top of the list.
When facing water, open the [START] menu using the 'X' button, then go to [ITEMS]. After that, select [KEY ITEMS] and then the [OLD ROD].
go to bag select item and select use or give and select Pokemon or thing
Go to your bag (by pressing the X button) and select Key Items and select the Dowsing Machine. The dowsing machine will tell you where to go by pointing out a direction.
you can select different items on the page
press up select and L (for bag items) if this doesn't work blow on your L button it seems to be common for it to be broken
^ Select the item you wish to delete, and press the triangle button ( /_\ )
If you go to your bag and head to the key items pocket choose an item like your mach bike or acro bike then choose register now press select after leaving the bag menu and you will automatically ride your bike.
Go to the Pokemon's status screen, go to items and select the item.
You go to your key items pocket in your bag and select an item then hit "Register". This will set it to activate when you press Y. If you register a second item, it will show up above the running shoes and bellow the Y item on the touch screen.
Select the items you feel are opportunities for escape in the Opportunities column. Select the items you feel are barriers to escape in the Barriers column. When you are finished, click the submit button.
key items you can't trash but you can trash other items by pressing "trash" on the menu when you select the item
To move key items or any item press the Select button then go to the spot where you want the item and press Select again and it will be their, if you want the item at the top go past the current key item at the top of the list.