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You select the phone and you click on transport

A box should come up saying 'invite sim to community lot'

You select it a choose which friend you want to meet

and a taxi should come and pick you up and take you to the community lot with your friend

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Q: How do you TRAVEL with a Sim from another household?
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Can you name your baby on Sims 3?

Yes, definitly unless you have 'woohooed' with a another sim NOT in your household ( if the sim from another house hold is a girl then they name it if its a boy from another household YOU pick the name )

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In Sims 3, if they are in your household, then yes you can. If they're not, you still can with the help of a cheat. When 'testingcheatsenabled true' is on, you can shift click another Sim and select 'Add to Active Household' and they will be added to your household and you can act them. This cheat only works if your household is NOT full.

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The only ways to move a Sim or Sim household to another town is to:( NOTE: None of these ways will keep a Sim(s) memories/relationships/etc. )add them to your Sim bin, then go to your new town, open Create a Sim, select them from the premade Sim area, exit Create a Sim, and move them into an empty lotadd them to your Household bin, click over to your desired town, select Move in Household, choose your family, and move them into an empty lot

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on the edit town mode you can merge households. also if your sim is good enough friends with another sim in another household and they are at that sims house at the moment then that other sim can ask you if you would like to move in

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at night time, you have to have your sim "stargaze" with a telescope. if they get lucky they will be abducted and the sim will then be pregnant (given the household can hold another sim and the sim is an adult) it does not matter if your sim is male or female, they will have an alien baby either way.

If i am playing on a sim will the other sim household look after themselves?

Nope it's paused

How do you get to the corner store in the Sims 3?

Click on the corner store and it will say go to corner store or something along the lines, your Sim will travel to the store either by car, bicycle, walk, taxi. (if you don't have a bicycle or a car then your Sim will just walk if it's to far then they will get in a taxi.) If you have expansion pack 'late night' then your Sim will either travel by taxi or use the sub. If your have the expansion pack 'pets' then your Sim can travel on a horse if your sim owns one or is close with a horse thats not in their household. hope this helped:)

How do you control 2 sims on sims 3 ambitions?

If I'm understanding the question properly...all you have to do is make a Sim Family with 2 sims in it and move them into a house. If you have a pre-existing sim and want to add another to that household, become friends with the second sim and use the "Ask to Move In" option when it becomes available. The only way to control more than one sim is to have them in the same household. You can (without mods) up to 8 sims in each household, but there are mods to make this higher.

How do you evict a roommate on Sims 3?

There are a couple of ways. The first was is you used the room mate's (the one you want to evict) phone and click "move", this will put the sim you want to evict to right and the other sims to the left. You can either choose a house for the evicted sim to live in by selecting "house" or you can "Kick out" the sim which will put the sim in a random household. The other way is to go onto "Edit Town", then click on your household and click "Split-up household" you put the sim you want to evict onto the left, then press ok. The sim who you have removed from the house should now be in a box in the top left corner of your screen. You can either move him into another household or click "Return to game" and banish him from the town.

How do you make a Sim in Sims 3?

On the homescreen click create a household and from there on you can customize your family/sim!

How do you control another sim in Sims 3?

open up the cheat menu by using ctrl shift C then enter the cheat testingcheatsenabled true then hold down shift while clicking on the sim you wish to control, you will then have the option to add that sim to your current active household.

What is single sim?

A sim that is not in a romantic relationship with any other, and does not live in the same house/household as any other.