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The only ways to move a Sim or Sim household to another town is to:

( NOTE: None of these ways will keep a Sim(s) memories/relationships/etc. )

  1. add them to your Sim bin, then go to your new town, open Create a Sim, select them from the premade Sim area, exit Create a Sim, and move them into an empty lot
  2. add them to your Household bin, click over to your desired town, select Move in Household, choose your family, and move them into an empty lot
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Q: Can you move a sim to another town in sims 3?
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on the edit town mode you can merge households. also if your sim is good enough friends with another sim in another household and they are at that sims house at the moment then that other sim can ask you if you would like to move in

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Build a friendship between the two sims & then eventually it should have "Propose.." "Move In" in that pie bar when you click on another sim.

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No. But if you save your sim and make them move to another part you can.

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you get them married or dating or best friends and it will come up at your house ask to move in

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Yes you can. Your sim can move in any of the expansion packs and even the base game.

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Well, kind of. You can go around town but, to actually travel to other places then you need the World Adventures expansion pack. But also your sims/sim can move to another town if you want to travel. Just go onto the computer and find the move option :D-Hope this helped

In the sims 2 how do you get a ready made sim to move in with another family?

your other sims that you made have to be in a high relationship with the "ready-made sims" (NPC's) They have to be at least best friends or something like that, click on them and click on "propose..." then click on "move in" they will hug your sim if they have accsepted. Either that or you can click "propose..." then "engagement" then after your sim marries them, they will move into your sims house.

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they can have a party, then they move back to the sim bin in your original town :]

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go into edit town mode and click on the sims you want to add and click place copy. then click on the house which your current sims are living in and say yes when it asks you if you want to merge the two households hope this helps :D

How do you ask another sim to move in with your sim on sims 2?

There is a cheat but I don't know it. Basically you have to make your sims fall in love (get their life-time relationship above 60) and then you can 'Propose' 'Move In'. The other sim may say no, if they do, you have to get their life-time relationship up even higher and try again. Or you can go to the neighbourhood and move a sim from the family bin into the same house as another sim.