open up the cheat menu by using
ctrl shift C
then enter the cheat
testingcheatsenabled true
then hold down shift while clicking on the sim you wish to control, you will then have the option to add that sim to your current active household.
no, there is no murdering in the Sims
You can't get your sim pregnent on any sims ds game the only way is to buy the sims, the sims 2 or the sims 3 (I recomend you get the sims 3 its the best) and then get you sim pregnent!! hope it help!! Im another person... But if you cant get your sim pregnant why put hope you get your sim pregnant! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Easy get them in a good relationship and conversation then get them engaged and then married
Yes Vampire Sims can become pregnant in the sims 3. In fact vampirism is genetic in sims 3. eg: Sim+Vampire= Sim/Sim/Vampire/Vampire Sim+Sim=Sim Vampire+Vampire=Vampire
In the sims 3 pets your sim can be a werewolf.
no, there is no murdering in the Sims
you can control 3 sims in 3 diffrent games (a.k.a. 1 sim per game)
In your relationship info !
no only you can proupse to them
A Sim is a virtual person. It is also a game. The games are called .MySims .The Sims .The Sims 2 .The Sims 3 .The Sims Social There are more simulated games like that. Another sim is your sim card for your mobile phone. 'Sim' is also a surname.Hope this helps!
No, they will not.
the female proposes
A sim can be married to one sim, whilst dating another. But be careful you don't get caught, it can completely ruin a relationship.
Nope, there is no cannibalism.
In Sims 3, if they are in your household, then yes you can. If they're not, you still can with the help of a cheat. When 'testingcheatsenabled true' is on, you can shift click another Sim and select 'Add to Active Household' and they will be added to your household and you can act them. This cheat only works if your household is NOT full.
You can't get your sim pregnent on any sims ds game the only way is to buy the sims, the sims 2 or the sims 3 (I recomend you get the sims 3 its the best) and then get you sim pregnent!! hope it help!! Im another person... But if you cant get your sim pregnant why put hope you get your sim pregnant! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
on the edit town mode you can merge households. also if your sim is good enough friends with another sim in another household and they are at that sims house at the moment then that other sim can ask you if you would like to move in