You have to be atleast friends. To move someone in, do lots of friendly actions. You can also you a cheat code. Ctrl+shift+C then testingcheatsenabled true. Hold shift and left click on chosen sim and choose option - add to household.
no, there is no murdering in the Sims
You do this by making the sim you want to get rid of move. But when you move it tick the box which says kick out, that will get rid f the sim from your sim family.
You can't get your sim pregnent on any sims ds game the only way is to buy the sims, the sims 2 or the sims 3 (I recomend you get the sims 3 its the best) and then get you sim pregnent!! hope it help!! Im another person... But if you cant get your sim pregnant why put hope you get your sim pregnant! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Easy get them in a good relationship and conversation then get them engaged and then married
The only ways to move a Sim or Sim household to another town is to:( NOTE: None of these ways will keep a Sim(s) memories/relationships/etc. )add them to your Sim bin, then go to your new town, open Create a Sim, select them from the premade Sim area, exit Create a Sim, and move them into an empty lotadd them to your Household bin, click over to your desired town, select Move in Household, choose your family, and move them into an empty lot
on the edit town mode you can merge households. also if your sim is good enough friends with another sim in another household and they are at that sims house at the moment then that other sim can ask you if you would like to move in
No. But if you save your sim and make them move to another part you can.
you get them married or dating or best friends and it will come up at your house ask to move in
Yes you can. Your sim can move in any of the expansion packs and even the base game.
In your relationship info !
A Sim is a virtual person. It is also a game. The games are called .MySims .The Sims .The Sims 2 .The Sims 3 .The Sims Social There are more simulated games like that. Another sim is your sim card for your mobile phone. 'Sim' is also a surname.Hope this helps!
A sim can be married to one sim, whilst dating another. But be careful you don't get caught, it can completely ruin a relationship.
Yes you can get other sims to move in with your sims.Also if you want to know how to get sims to move in with each other:If you want to get them to move in with your sims then try becoming Best friends with that sim and then have a little look in the "Friendly" option when you are talking to them, the option "Ask to move in" should be there.hope this helps :)
Nope, there is no cannibalism.
a relationship is simply knowing another sim
If you mean to move them house - then click on a sim then go to their inventory, click on the phone and select 'move' :)
try moving to a new house and move everyone into the new house