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Q: Can you make a sim kick another sim in the crotch?
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On sims deluxe can you make another sim move in with another sim?

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When you diverice a sim how do you get themto move out?

Get the sim you don't want and then click on the sim to make them as your active sim. Go in the inventory, click on your Cell Phone then click "Move" it should say "Kick out". And then that sim will move to a random lot.

Can you make your sim murder another sim on The Sims 3?

no, there is no murdering in the Sims

When sims are already married is there a cheat where you can make the married sim purpose to another sim in sims2?


How Do You Scare a Sim on Sims 2?

what you can do is get some one to die on the residence that your sim is on (you can have some one live there before hand and make them die, then move in your sim) and make sure that there is a tombstone,not an urn. then at night the person who died would come and haunt your sim. Or in Sims 2 Nightlife, you can make a Sim a vampire and have that Sim in a coffin and when they are asleep in that coffin, another Sim can dare another Sim to death or peak at the vampire

How do you kick out a sim on sims 3 xbox?

well if you are talking about kicking them out of the house then you go to the sim you want to kick out and click mean and it should be there and if its not then switch to the sim you want to kick out, go on there phone and go to moving and they should move!!!

Can you kill another sim on sims 2 for ps2?

You can, you can make it an accident by making your sim use the stove a lot with a sim with a low cooking skill

How can you move your partner out in Sims 3?

you can't move one of your Sims into another family. But the quickest way to get rid of them is to click on their mobile phone and select "move" then it will say who do you want to move out your Sim will already be in the list and you can't erase them from the list, so make sure it's the Sim you want to kick out. Down the bottom, there will be a box, that says "kick out" Select that box and then select the tick on the right bottom corner, and there, your Sim will call a taxi and you don't see them again (unless you go to their house.) If one of your Sims knew them, they could call the Sim and see them, or talk to them.

Can you get a job in another country on sims 3?

No. But if you save your sim and make them move to another part you can.

How do you get rid of a sim on The Sims 3 without killing it?

You do this by making the sim you want to get rid of move. But when you move it tick the box which says kick out, that will get rid f the sim from your sim family.

On The Sims 2 how do you make another sim move in with you?

Build a friendship between the two sims & then eventually it should have "Propose.." "Move In" in that pie bar when you click on another sim.