There is a contact form for suggestions via the official Runescape website. You can find it in the support center under account help.
Go to the main site and forums, suggestion and post it there
You can get a free account by registering at the Runescape site:
You cannot send a complaint directly to Jagex, you can however post it in the "Rants" section of the runescape forums if you are non-member level 250+ or if you are simply a member.
no, it is inpossible to delete rooms on webkinz but you go to the front page and click on contact us in the corner, then click comments and suggestions and you can send them an e-mail and they might look into doing this. they will not e-mail you back but they do read every e-mail sent
To send a message to MovieStarPlanet, simply go to their website and click where it says Contact, at the end of the page. Then you just need to fill out the form.
You can send any suggestions or ideas to the support page. They will be read by someone who is able to take your thoughts into consideration.
If by this you mean send, no. You can let them have it if you let your models free. Nice idea, try putting it in Suggestions And Ideas located in the forums!
Contact Email, Or Phone Number, 310-581-4700
You can sign up for a free RuneScape account on the RuneScape website.
you cant make an island, but you can send ideas to the creator of poptropica by clicking on Contact Us, then Poptropica Feedback.
You, can't anymore.
There is no need to. You can get a free RuneScape account on the game's website.
Send a letter to the white house. The President's mail is screened of course, but if suggestions are any good they will be forwarded.
This is not a scam. Jagex is a company that takes full priority to email you
The only way that FunOrb and RuneScape are related is that you can message your friends that are logged on a multiplayer game, and they can send you messages back. Another relationship is that AoG (Armies of Gielinor) is related to RuneScape. In fact, it is based on RuneScape.