To send a message to MovieStarPlanet, simply go to their website and click where it says Contact, at the end of the page. Then you just need to fill out the form.
You Can't...Its Not Possible But It Should Be
You can't sorry. It's just clothes and furniture items.
you send an email to and send them you username and password then tell them why you want to be vip for free add me HOT GLRL
when you do they will ask you what are you reporting for and why. then if they think its worth reporting (i guess)because some don't send back. then if it is they will tell you that that person got a warning. so dont expect them not to do anything they really do!
ive never played but my sister does and u just say u forgot ur password and give ur email and they'l send ur username and password
what is my password
you press send and then the person will get your message.
Check mark that is purpple
how do you send a messege on movie star planet
What button do you press to send messages on movie star planet
press enter
i don't know help me
I Dont Know Man -.-
Computer says no.
I know that I can't open my profile on moviestarplanet and I want you to
when u are logged off plz dont tell anyone ur pass cos if they do they will steal your clothes send it 2 their accont!! and spend your coins and plus they will also send nasty messges 2 your friends i hope this really helped xx !! add me Famousegirl200
You Can't...Its Not Possible But It Should Be