yep, dragon axe is fastest axe in the game, the fire adze is same speed as dragon axe, but doubles up and a rune pickaxe at the same time, but the better the axe, the more pricey it is.
Fire Giant's tend to occasionally drop Rune Battle axes.
You can buy axes at the Grand Exchange in Varrock, find them lying around, or at Bob's Axes in Lumbridge.
They are just like any other except can mine better than Wooden, Stone and Iron, but not as good as Diamond.
an axe works by neutons 2nd law of motion. With the hekp of the hadle or the hat the axe and the blade is a deadly weapon when in motion. the beard of an axe is the strongest part of it, it is the front with the heel and the toe(by the way it is called the toe because that is the part it normally taken off) and causes friction between the two and chops wood. older axes are better than the axes you buy at the store due to the use of it is use to more straight cuts. Also some axes have been a fictional weapon. Used by vikings and lord of the ring characters. Also I myself has a collection of some sexy axe axes.
You can fix the verac brassard either by bob in Lumbridge by paying him to repair your armor for you (the guy which repairs your broken axes for you). or you can go to a player owned house and use your barrows equipment on the armor stand to repair it yourself you still have to pay the same amount no matter which way you choose to do it.
Depends on how you are using it. Battle axes hit higher but scimitars hit faster. I would have to If you have a high str level, then a scimitar is better.
Fire Giant's tend to occasionally drop Rune Battle axes.
You can buy axes at the Grand Exchange in Varrock, find them lying around, or at Bob's Axes in Lumbridge.
No, for Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, and Rune axes, you do not have to be a member, however, any other axes, Dragon, Barrows, etcetera, is not for non-members.
Both are better
100,000 coins if repaired at Bob's axes 50,000 coins if repaired at an armor stand with 100 smithing
No, for Bronze, Iron, Steel, Black, Mithril, Adamant, and Runite axes, you don't need to be a member to either own, wield, or buy/sell an axe. However, you need to be a member to wield Dragon Axes, and any other type.
The axes
Well the three axes for an airplane are known as the vertical axes (which governs the yaw of the plane), the Longitudinal axes (govenrs the roll of the plane), at the lateral axes (govenrs the pitch)
The plural for of the noun of the noun ax (or axe) is axes.The plural possessive form is axes'.example: All of the axes' blades have been sharpened.
you repair all barrows equipment at bob's axes in lumbridge. take it to bob, use it on him, and he'll charge you a fee for repairing it. for a fully broken one, it costs 90k i believe.
x, y and z axes.