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There are 9 hats in PR2.

1. Kongregate Hat, you obtain this hat by playing Platform Racing 2 on Kongregate, this hat adds .25 to your hat bonus factor. (i.e. multiplies your exp by 1.25)

2. Exp Hat, you obtain this has by playing on any non-campaign level with 2-4 players or any campaign level with 2 or 3 players, although you must win the race, this hat adds 1 to your hat bonus factor (i.e. doubles your exp)

3. Propeller Hat, you obtain this hat by completing Hat Factory or Volcanic Inferno in the campaign, when wearing this hat and holding up you will fall slower than usual.

4. Santa Hat, you obtain this has by playing on any non-campaign level with 2-4 players or any campaign level with 2 or 3 players, although you must win the race, you can also obtain this hat by playing on Christmas, this hat turns all blocks you step on into ice, effectively walking on water, nets and bombs, it also increases your speed by 10%

5. Party Hat, you obtain this hat by playing on New Year's, this hat prevents lightning from hitting you (sort of acting as a lightning rod).

6. Top Hat, you obtain this hat by completing The Golden Compass by -Shadowfax- and it allows you to walk straight through vanish blocks to the sides and above you (not below you, as you are still able to walk on them.)

7. Jump Start Hat, it can randomly appear as the prize during Happy Hour, or it was automatically given to every single account made prior to Team Jiggmin reaching the top 100 teams in Folding @ Home. If you wear it, you start the race before the countdown, and if you pick it up during a race it gives you a shot speed burst.

8. Crown Hat, you obtain this hat by getting 5,000 points in Folding @ Home for Team Jiggmin or becoming a moderator, this hat makes you invulnerable to mines, laser guns, and swords (not lightning)

9. Cowboy Hat, you obtain this hat by getting 100,000 points in Folding @ Home for Team Jiggmin, this hat also will randomly appear in any non-campaign race, this is known as super flying cowboy hat mode, although you do not get to keep the hat once the race is over, this hat allows you to fly, it is like it turns every unoccupied square into a water block.

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