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You can fix the verac brassard either by bob in Lumbridge by paying him to repair your armor for you (the guy which repairs your broken axes for you). or you can go to a player owned house and use your barrows equipment on the armor stand to repair it yourself you still have to pay the same amount no matter which way you choose to do it.

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Q: In runescape where do you fix verac brassard?
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What looks good with verac's brassard runescape?

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In runescape where do you fix verac's flail?

bob's shop in lumbridge

What runescape armour and weapon should you wear you have 70 def and 70 att budget is 5 mil?

Veracs set:The set contains Verac's flail, Verac's helm, Verac's brassard, and Verac's plateskirt. comes with armour and weapon plus gives you about 1 mil to 500k to spend

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You do not need a smithing level to repair any Barrow's armor; just use the Verac's brassard on Bob in Lumbridge. It will cost some coins though.

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for me defently bandos chestplate but instead of d legs and verac helm i would choose helm of neitiznot bandos chestplate and torag legs or you could use dragon legs your choice but sefently chestplate.

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It is a very good weapon, hitting in the 30-40 range if you have 99 strength, but is very slow.

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Where do you get a flail on RuneScape?

There are 2 flails in runescape. Verac's flail can be obtained as a reward from the barrows minigame (or bought from players). the verac flail has gone up from pvp so its around 130-140k (130000-140000 coins) my guess would be that it will go down to 100k again later on. The other flail is the Ivandis flail which is made during the "Legacy of Seergaze" quest and is the "only" weapon that can damage Vyrewatch creatures.

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In Runscape, The only items you can repair are things you get in daemonheim (the place you go to go dungeoneering), corrupt verac items, and armour from fist of guthix

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Pierre Brassard was born on April 24, 1966.

When was Jacques Brassard born?

Jacques Brassard was born in 1940.

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