No, "Ultimate Offering" cannot be used to Summon "Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon" ("REDD"). "REDD" can only be Special Summoned and "Ultimate Offering" only functions with Normal Summons and Sets. You must Tribute a "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" on your side of the field to Special Summon this card from your hand.
some of the longest are giga gagagigo winged dragon gaurdian of the fortress #2 vennominaga the deity of poisonous snakes ddr-different dimention reincarnation Blue Eyes ultimate dragon gaia knight the force of earth light and darkness dragon charge of the light brigade the lightsworn poison from the old man exodius the ultimate forbidden lord
"SUPREME" is the code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Light and Darkness Dragon will be switched into defense position. There is otherwise no interaction.
any dragon can but you have to have an strong freindship
As with all monsters that have Ritual Spell Cards, you cannot obtain Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as a card by itself via the Password section or as a Spoil. In-game, it can only be Summoned by using the Ultimate Dragon Ritual. Use this ritual when there are three "Blue-eyes White Dragon" cards on the field. You can fuse Megamorph & Dragon Treasure to get the Ultimate Dragon ritual.You can, however, obtain Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon via a cheating device such as Codebreaker or Gameshark. The code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is 301D03CB 0063.For more codes on other unobtainable cards, click on the "Related Link" below. Note that Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is Card # 380 in the game. This means that it corresponds with the code next to Card 380 on the website.
Do you think I should include Redeyes combo (Darkness Redeyes, Skull Dragon, Summoned Skull, redeyes chick)? (I'm the same person who asked the question) it would be better if you abandon your redeyes. there are many cards more powerful and worth more that your redeyes unless you wanna take some kind of "Joey Wheeler" stand. you need 2 sacrifices to release redeyes. why waste 2 monster if you can release more powerful monsters with the same release cost? Blue eyes are still better that red eyes black dragon... for me -arvinkasumi
No, there is no Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and there isn't any real reason why they would make one. They do have a Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon though. Sweet. And also Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon probably one of the best and efficient dragon cards ever
No. There is no such card as Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, there is a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (which sells due to collector value) but that's it. Red-Eyes has even better (in terms of gameplay) evolutions/counter-parts: Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon (Evolution) Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (Counter-part) Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (Evolution) Black Skull Dragon (Evolution) Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon (Counter-part) Meteor Black Dragon (Evolution) Of them the ones that see play are Red-Eyes Darkness, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon's, but all of them sell.
If you mean the joey starter deck, I'm not sure. But if you mean the Dragons Roar structure deck with Red Eyes Darkness Dragon, then yes, it is a pretty good deck to buy. After adding a few of the cards it saus to add, it becomes even more powerful.
Dragon Ultimate has 373 pages.
Dragon Ultimate was created on 1999-02-01.
cards for the ultimate Dragon deck is:Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End3 Blue-eyes white Dragon Blue-eyes ultimate DragonF. G. D. Red-eyes black Dragon Red-eyes darkness dragon3X Cyber Dragon Cyber Twin Dragon Cyber End DragonCyberdark Horn Cyberdark Edge Cyberdark KeelMasked Dragon Armed Dragon LV3 Armed Dragon LV5Exploder Dragon Twin-Headed BehemothChimeratech Overdragon Cyberdark DragonSpellsFuture Fusion, Dragon's Mirror, Power Bond, Overload Fusion.and you should have Cyber-Stein it's really useful.and photon generator unit and cyber barrier dargon
There is no "code" to get the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. You can get the Blue-Eyes Dragon from the Ultimate Dragon Pack.
The Dragon of the Darkness Flame is on his right arm.
some of the longest are giga gagagigo winged dragon gaurdian of the fortress #2 vennominaga the deity of poisonous snakes ddr-different dimention reincarnation Blue Eyes ultimate dragon gaia knight the force of earth light and darkness dragon charge of the light brigade the lightsworn poison from the old man exodius the ultimate forbidden lord
"SUPREME" is the code for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
Light and Darkness Dragon will be switched into defense position. There is otherwise no interaction.