No, you can not catch Phanpy in SoulSilver. It is a version exclusive to HeartGold.
same as growlithe, gligar, mankey and phanpy, you can't get phanpy in Pokemon soul silver, only available in Pokemon heart gold.
You can't catch Phanpy or Donphan in Soul Silver; they're only in Heart Gold.
yes huey he is in the lighthouse
No, you can not catch Phanpy in SoulSilver. It is a version exclusive to HeartGold.
You can find a Phanpy in route 45.
same as growlithe, gligar, mankey and phanpy, you can't get phanpy in Pokemon soul silver, only available in Pokemon heart gold.
the fourth trainer in the elite four have a murkrow
You can't catch Phanpy or Donphan in Soul Silver; they're only in Heart Gold.
yes huey he is in the lighthouse
You cannot catch Phanpy in Pokémon SoulSilver, it is only available in Pokémon HeartGold, Pokémon Ruby, Pokémon Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Platinum.
yeah sorry but it's different from soulsilver because soulsilver has teddiursa and skarmony while heartgold has phanpy and gligar I'm sorry but you are mistaking i found a gligar,teddiursa, and skarmony in soul silver so that means that phanpy has to be there to in both games.
Pokefan carter who is located in route 14.
I'm going to but i don't know many people who do
You get Donphan by walking Victory Road and get its pre evolution Phanpy as well.