you cant,but you can get a electabuzz,and trade it with it holding a item,i forgot.but its a electric item.
Electivire cannot learn Volt Tackle in Pokemon HeartGold. Only pichu, pikachu, and raichu can learn volt tackle.
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
you cant
Electivire is a 4th generation Pokemon meaning it was created after the GBA Pokemon games so that means its not obtainable in any GBA game including emerald.
lt.surge,after you face him by calling him
Electivire cannot learn Volt Tackle in Pokemon HeartGold. Only pichu, pikachu, and raichu can learn volt tackle.
You can not. You can, however, evolve an Electabuzz.
Yes, by breeding an electivire or electabuzz.
Electivire is an Electric type pokemon.
Electivire is #466 in the national pokedex, and it is an Electric type Pokemon.
Electivire must be evolved from an Electabuzz, which must be evolved from an Elekid.
Electabuzz doesn't actually evolve in the game. You have to have Pokemon Battle Revolution for Wii and enter this code at the catchphrase thingy: BA16-X4SH-E2AT and then the lady will give you a shocking secret gift for free that is actually an electivire. you can then send it to your awesomely awesome ds!!!! actually as of dppt, it can evolve into an electivire if you trade it while it holds an electrizer.
I think you mean Electivire. Unfortunately, there are no trainer with an Electivire in Pokemon White. There is only one in Pokemon Black which is in Black City but Black City is not in Pokemon White.
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
Blastoise Umbreon and Electivire.