Yes, of course. Kaiser Sea Horse can be one of the tributes required, though since the gods are DIVINE and not LIGHT, Kaiser Sea Horse will only count as one tribute.
As long as the card that summoned the token does not mention any restrictions, then yes, token monsters may freely be tributed for a summon. Some do have restrictions set on them, for example, Sheep Tokens from Scapegoat cannot be tributed for a tribute summon, but could be tributed as the cost for a Special Summon.
Yes, the tributed monster does not have to be face-up at all, it can be tributed while face-down.
No, you do not 'tribute' the Synchro Material for a Synchro Summon. They are sent to the graveyard, not tributed. You can tribute an opponents synchro monster for "Assault Mode Activate!" to summon the assault mode monster from your deck.
No. The "Scapegoat" card states that the tokens cannot be used for a tribute summon and there is no getting around that. Besides, "Non-Spellcasting Area" only states that monsters would be immune to Spells; nothing to do with Tribute Summoning. (Just an extra note, if the "Sheep Tokens" are Tributed for something other than a Tribute Summon, that's okay.)
Yes. Face-down monsters can be tributed for tribute summons, card effects, etc.
As long as the card that summoned the token does not mention any restrictions, then yes, token monsters may freely be tributed for a summon. Some do have restrictions set on them, for example, Sheep Tokens from Scapegoat cannot be tributed for a tribute summon, but could be tributed as the cost for a Special Summon.
Yes, the tributed monster does not have to be face-up at all, it can be tributed while face-down.
You can set the monster you tributed for, but the tributed monster is sent to the graveyard
No, you do not 'tribute' the Synchro Material for a Synchro Summon. They are sent to the graveyard, not tributed. You can tribute an opponents synchro monster for "Assault Mode Activate!" to summon the assault mode monster from your deck.
No. The "Scapegoat" card states that the tokens cannot be used for a tribute summon and there is no getting around that. Besides, "Non-Spellcasting Area" only states that monsters would be immune to Spells; nothing to do with Tribute Summoning. (Just an extra note, if the "Sheep Tokens" are Tributed for something other than a Tribute Summon, that's okay.)
Yes. Face-down monsters can be tributed for tribute summons, card effects, etc.
It all depends on the tokens being used. They can be used to Tribute Summon unless said otherwise on the card. For example, the card "Scapegoat" says: "...The tokens [summoned by this card] cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon."Take note of this last condition (a Tribute for a Tribute Summon). That means the tokens can be tributed for a Special Summon for monsters such as "Destiny Hero - Plasma".Tokens that can be used for a Tribute Summon include: "Stray Lambs", "Statue of the Wicked", "Fiend's Sanctuary", and "Dandylion".
Yes. An opponent's Obelisk or Ra can be tributed as cost for your Lava Golem. It is not an effect, nor does it target, which is why Obelisk is not protected from it. Ra has no protections anyway apart from during his summon.
Sheep Tokens created by Scapegoat cannot be used as tributes for Tribute Summons. They can be tributed to activate effects like Enemy Controller, or for the Special Summon of monsters like D-Hero Plasma, as this is not a 'tribute summon'.
By their Effects, you can Tribute the following monsters by themselves to Tribute Summon monsters above Lv.6 of the corresponding Attributes:Flame Ruler - FIRETrojan Horse - EARTHWhirlwind Prodigy - WINDFor examples, you can Tribute 1 Flame Ruler to Tribute Summon Firestorm Prominence (a FIRE monster, Lv.7), and you can Tribute 1 Trojan Horse to Tribute Summon Raging Earth (an EARTH monster, Lv.7).
If you mean without tribute, then not under normal circumstances. You can tribute summon it by tributing two monsters, or use various effects to lessen the tribute requirement (Kaiser Seahorse) or special summon it.
Yes, Sangan's mandatory trigger will activate after the monster is summoned.