No. Hiv is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Suq is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Ni is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. DIY = Do It Yourself
No. Tn is not allowed in Scrabble. If you are thinking of TN as an abbreviation, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Hiv is not allowed in Scrabble.
Yes. Jibs is allowed in Scrabble.
No. Suq is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Ni is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. DIY = Do It Yourself
Acronyms are not allowed in Scrabble, but nairu is an allowable Scrabble word.
No. Tn is not allowed in Scrabble. If you are thinking of TN as an abbreviation, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.
Yes. Any word that meets the Scrabble rules is allowed (e.g. allowed and aloud both are acceptable Scrabble words).
pluralsThe word plurals is the plural of plural. As in: I answered the question about plurals to the person who didn't know that the plural of plural is plurals.
The two plurals of "vortex" are "vortexes" and "vortices".
The plurals are boxes, sheep, and princes.
No. Neither X-Ray nor xray are allowed in Scrabble.