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Yes you can, if you download a mod for the game. Otherwise you cannot.

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Q: In fallout 3 can you kill the little lamplight kids?
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Can you kill kids in fallout 3 on the 360?

no u cannot. killing kids in fallout 3 is an impossibility. however, using the mister sandman perk u are able to gain experience for "killing" them although they will not die and may in turn flee from you

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No, Fallout 3 is not food. If you ingest it, it may kill you.

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If by that you mean can you find the G.E.C.K in Fallout 3 on PS3 then the answer would be YES. All you do is pass through Little Lamplight Caverns into a passage way filled with Super Mutants that leads you to vault 87. There you meet a friendly Super Mutant named Fawker in the testing labs of the vault. He will make a deal with you suggesting that if you free him from the room that he is held in he will retrieve the G.E.C.K for you since it is in high levels of radiation that would kill you. He will then give you the G.E.C.K.

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in Fallout III?

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the kids hate the teachers for blaming them for something that there doing wright

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You can sell your stuff. Or you can kill people to get it. :)

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The super mutant behemoth

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No he did not kill kill kids because he had kids