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go to her house rig the stove and ask her to cook you a pie and the stove will blow up in her face

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Q: How do you kill mable in fallout 3?
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You can sell your stuff. Or you can kill people to get it. :)

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Mable Withee died on November 3, 1952, in Bayside, New York, USA.

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What? ya if you mean when u kill someone

On fallout 3 how do you cage people in your house?

No. Unless they wonder in your house, but when I see people doing that, I kill them. :)

What is the weakest thing to kill in Fallout 3?

I think it is a bloatfly or a radroach because they die in about one hit.

In fallout 3 can you kill the little lamplight kids?

Yes you can, if you download a mod for the game. Otherwise you cannot.