As Ralph said right at the beginning of the novel, the important thing is to get rescued and his prime motivation throughout was to achieve that end.
he is homesick, and stressed
Piggy's glasses
He asks him to sharpen it at both ends with intent of putting one end in the ground and the other end to have Ralphs head on it. This is not explicitly stated in the novel but we know this because of the lord of the flies
I'm sure Ralph is mentally scarred by all that has happened on the island, but because the book does not have an epilogue, there is no telling what Ralph and the rest of the boys do when they return home.
Because in the end of the chapter, Jack's tribe attacks Ralphs tribe. Piggy thought they were after the conch (The Shell) but instead, they stole Piggy's glasses for fire usage (The Glasses)
he is in the navy
he is homesick, and stressed
Piggy's glasses
-Piggie -Sam -Eric -Some "little ones"
In The Lord of the Flies Ralph's only weapon is a stick that has been turned in to a spear. He took the stick that was being used to mount the pigs head.
They would build a fire to create smoke so a ship or plane would see them.
it was in a very bad conditions as jack had created his own tribe and was trying to sabotage ralphs tribe
Ralph's main focus is to be rescued by keeping a fire going so that the smoke will signal any passing ships.
Breaking Ralph's rules in "Lord of the Flies" leads to chaos and conflict among the boys. It results in a loss of order and a breakdown of civilization on the island, ultimately leading to violence and the boys' descent into savagery.
Sam and Eric tell Jack that Ralph said he was going to hide near by so they go looking for him there.
Early in the first chapter Ralph told Piggy that his father was a commander in the Navy.Early in the first chapter Ralph told Piggy that his father was a commander in the Navy.