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There are none, it is just a little sugar, protein and water..

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Q: What is heath benefit of drinking your own semen?
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what is problem of drinking semen causes any health problems for men there own semen?

Consuming your own semen will do you no harm.

Does drinking your own semen make you gay?

No it makes you a very curious individual.

What is the risk of swallowing your own semen?

There is veryLittle chance of it happening accidentally and if you did it deliberately it would do no harm at all. so long as you are not a vegetarian of coarse.No effect at all. It just came out of your body, it's just going back in.Answer:It may cause stomach upset as it contains enzymes that interact with mucous membranes. These enzymes help to facilitate successful fertilization in the womb, but they can also affect the mucous membranes of the digestive tract when swallowed and cause indigestion and stomach pain.

Can you swallow your own semen if you have an STD?

Well, it's your own semen and you have STD. It won't makes you get worse since you produce it yourself...

What is a sentence with the word benefit?

He was a benefit fraudster.The benefit gala raised nearly two million pounds for the Starving Ogres charity.For your own benefit, I suggest you keep your mouth shut.There are many benefits to drinking tea. The biggest benefit is that it tastes nice.

Is it safe to drink your own sperm or semen at 13 years old or any age?

Yes, semen is mostly water, protein and sugar and is completely harmless. You can't catch anything from your own semen. As to whether you like the taste or not, that is a matter of personal preference.

Can I swallow my own load of semen?

if you want

Can you get HIV from your own semen?

First off, not to be mean or anything, but why would you want to eat your own semen? Secondly if you already have AIDS then your semen has aids as well. AIDS is transfered through semen, as well as other stuff. Please, always use a condom.But, just to be clear about the answer to your question, you can not get any disease from your semen if you don't already have the disease. if you do not have AIDS your semen can't give it to you.AnswerYou do not get AIDS. Aids is the intensity level of a HIV infection. AIDS is the point of HIV when your body's viral level is so high that it cannot successfully fight off any infections without strong medical help. In regards to your own semen. If you have hiv, it's in your semen as well.AnswerYour semen came from your body and it only contains things which are already present in your own body. If you don't have AIDs then your semen cannot contain anything extra that will 'give it' to you. If you do already have AIDs then you can't get an extra dose of it from eating your own semen. If you want to eat your own semen if is much safer than eating someone else's and there is no logical reason why you shouldn't do it, if you wish to.

Can something bad happen by getting your own semen in your own cut?

No it is harmles

Can normal man get aids from own swallowing semen?

No you can not.

Is it wrong to swallow your own semen?

Clearly, yes.

Is It Safe To drink What if your Own semen?

Yes it is safe. I do not advise doing that though. It is safe and you can do so if you wish. You cannot give yourself any infection from taking your own semen. Many males masturbate and swallow their own semen. Recent studies have found that consuming human semen reduces depression. You can find an article about that in the related links below.