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Q: Can I swallow my own load of semen?
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Related questions

Will you get a disease if you swallow your semen?

If you swallow your own semen, then no, you can't get anything new. It's quite safe. It's fairly safe, too, to swallow someone else's semen.

Is it wrong to swallow your own semen?

Clearly, yes.

Can you swallow your own semen if you have an STD?

Well, it's your own semen and you have STD. It won't makes you get worse since you produce it yourself...

Can semen come as cough if you swallow it?

No. When you swallow the semen, it goes to stomach and digested. Sputum comes from your lungs.

Are you gay if you swallow your semen?

Absolutely not. You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to members of the same gender.

Is it good to swallow semen?

After all there is no harm in swallowing your partners semen.

What if the person semen has he pa virus can you swallow the semen?

no good mon

Is it healthful to swallow semen?


Is it okay to swallow semen if you have diabetes?

There's no problem if you swallow ones semen or your own semen if you have diabetes Unless you mix it with sugar or something sweet can be attributed to high sugar level

How does the semen come out of your body after I swallow semen.?

The same as anything else you digest

Is It Safe To drink What if your Own semen?

Yes it is safe. I do not advise doing that though. It is safe and you can do so if you wish. You cannot give yourself any infection from taking your own semen. Many males masturbate and swallow their own semen. Recent studies have found that consuming human semen reduces depression. You can find an article about that in the related links below.

What is felching?

Oh honey, felching is when someone sucks semen out of a bodily orifice with their mouth. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but hey, to each their own. Just make sure you're practicing safe and consensual activities, darlin'.