

Best Answer

Probley not so good, if it was another Man that put it in there.

But to each his own!

good day

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Q: Is sucking semen of your own wife good?
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Guntur lam farm don't give good semen tell me where can i get good ongole semen for my super cow?

That all depends on where you live and how far away you want the semen shipped from. You will have to do some researching on your own.

How does health affect after eating own semen?

It doesn't do anything to you, good or bad.

what is problem of drinking semen causes any health problems for men there own semen?

Consuming your own semen will do you no harm.

What is felching?

Oh honey, felching is when someone sucks semen out of a bodily orifice with their mouth. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but hey, to each their own. Just make sure you're practicing safe and consensual activities, darlin'.

Can you swallow your own semen if you have an STD?

Well, it's your own semen and you have STD. It won't makes you get worse since you produce it yourself...

Is it safe to lick your own semen?

There is no direct harm in licking your own semen as it is your own bodily fluid. However, remember that semen can carry sexually transmitted infections (STIs) if you have been exposed to them. Practicing safe sex and maintaining good hygiene can reduce the risk of transmitting infections.

What is the cause of a cat sucking its own belly?


Can I swallow my own load of semen?

if you want

Can you get HIV from your own semen?

First off, not to be mean or anything, but why would you want to eat your own semen? Secondly if you already have AIDS then your semen has aids as well. AIDS is transfered through semen, as well as other stuff. Please, always use a condom.But, just to be clear about the answer to your question, you can not get any disease from your semen if you don't already have the disease. if you do not have AIDS your semen can't give it to you.AnswerYou do not get AIDS. Aids is the intensity level of a HIV infection. AIDS is the point of HIV when your body's viral level is so high that it cannot successfully fight off any infections without strong medical help. In regards to your own semen. If you have hiv, it's in your semen as well.AnswerYour semen came from your body and it only contains things which are already present in your own body. If you don't have AIDs then your semen cannot contain anything extra that will 'give it' to you. If you do already have AIDs then you can't get an extra dose of it from eating your own semen. If you want to eat your own semen if is much safer than eating someone else's and there is no logical reason why you shouldn't do it, if you wish to.

How did Galileo Galilee became famous?

By sucking his own dick

Can something bad happen by getting your own semen in your own cut?

No it is harmles

Does the bible say anything about wasted semen on the ground?

Yeah, Onan shot his semen on the ground when he slept with his dead brother's wife so that he wouldn't have a kid that wasn't his own heir. God didn't really dig this, apparently, so he killed him. (Genesis 38:8-10)