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ok i believe that you are asking if they get together if not sorry, but this is what happens after Kagome destroys the Shikkon Jewel she returns with inuyasha back into her time. Unfortuanetly Inuyasha returns back to his time and the Bone Eater's Well closes, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha separated for three years. However one day Inuyasha thinks he hears Kagome and runs to the well, when he reaches into it he grasps Kagome's hand. They get married and spend the rest of their lives together. That is in the last chapter of the manga that came out June 17th hope that helps :)

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13y ago
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13y ago

They hug and kiss and (cuddle a lot). not really by my understanding they fight and yell quite alot but it;s cute when they don't. But everyone lovees a good sit boy!

They end up getting married and after a while she saves inuyashas life by jumping in front of him,then suddenly and arrow plunges into her upper back! But she comes back alive when Inuyasha gives up his human blood to her to save her life. In the end they have 2 children, 2 boys <:)

sasukelover21- NO! YOU ARE PARTLY RIGHT! this happens in a movie. kagaome saves inuyasha while he is pinned to a tree. she gets in front of him while their opponent is trying to kill him. therefore, she gets the arrow in her back. the girl kidnaps kagome and brigns her with him. I've watched this movie. but that was a while ago.

(copy and paste this link. it will bring you to the video. and watch for yourself. it shows the ending. please watch and it will show you the truth. i hope you enjoy)

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14y ago

Kagura seeks eternal freedom in this movie, gathering al the sacred objects until a Celestial being named Kaguya appears.

Kaguya attempts to make Inuyasha her slave, making his demonic power spike, thus making him lose himself, placing his human half in a mirror, and becoming all demon. In an attempt to stop him, Kagome kisses him, and Inuyasha stopped his transformation.

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14y ago

In the final act of Inuyasha they restore the Shikon Jewel and Kagome is allowed a wish. She wishes that there never was a Shikon Jewel so that happens and she gets sent back to her own time. She and Inuyasha never forget each other and Inuyasha visits the well every 3 days and after 3 years Kagome goes down the well again and meets Inuyasha and they fall in love and marry. Sango and Miroku marry and have 3 kids while Kouga marries Ayame.

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16y ago

Yes, Kagome stays with Inuyasha intill the end.

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Yes that happens in the Final Act episode 18 I think *spoiler* sota comes in at the last second and they don't kiss.

Who does Kagome like?

Kagome likes Inuyasha.

Which episode does naraku grab kagome?

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Yes Kagome is the audience fan favorite! Everyone loves kagome!

What happens Inuyasha and kagoma?

Inuyasha and Kagome end getting married and having 3 kids at the end of the manga