Kagome goes to, "WacDonalds," when she and her friends discuss her relationship with Inuyasha. This happens several times.
episode 100
Episode 18 of InuYasha the final Act
Episode 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga
no they do not switch bodies sorry=[
Inuyasha shows his tears for the first time, is the episode
episode 100
Episode 18 of InuYasha the final Act
Um i don't know. but the episode that kagome admits that she loves him is episode 126. Hope this helps!:)
in episode 26
On every episode.
its episode 87
all of them
in the episode sixteen
Episode 79: Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga
He stays the night in episode 82
no they do not switch bodies sorry=[
What are you talking about Kagome never dies Inuyasha would never allow that