LP stands for "long-playing phonograph" which is the same thing as a record. The term has remained the standard name for an album from bands or artists.
Long PlayLong PlayLong PlayLong PlayLong PlayLong Play
LP = Long Player (Album) - EP = Extended Play (Single with more than two tracks)
Marching in Time is not an official LP, it's a bootleg print of songs people have found online.
The song is called "Into the Wild" by LP; it freakin rocks bra!
What does LP menas in mortgage terms
LP means long-playing phonograph record.
It's not a standard term, but probably loops.
Limited Partnership
Lumbar Puncture
I think that's Limited Partnership.
LP are love points, and FP are friend points. you get LP and FP for someone with a heart by them. Anyone else would just be FP.
LP Convertible Gas Range means stove can be converted from natural gas to propane gas.
"Three Little Pigs".
the engine is running
Limited Partnership
Dip LP means Diploma in Legal Practice, while NP means Notary Public.