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"2012" is a work of fiction.

The movie 2012 is a fake movie otherwise would the 2012 Olympics at London be going on, no, so it is FAKE. We have a poster up in my classroom, which says Get Set for 2012, at first I thought that meant the movie 2012 but then I saw the Olympic sign and went, aah, and also on Odd One In, a TV program, it asked there were 6 events and five of them were in the 2010 Olympics.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes it is a documentary which was filmed in 2012 and sent back in time by Marty mcfly who picked it up on his trip to 2015, where it lay on a shelf at the film studio before someone decided to release it , the birds, and fish all dying are the prelude to this so its the end of the world as we know it!

seriously though it is loosely based on the fact that the Mayan calender only dated to 2012, and does focus on things that can happen , although the science in the film is way off.

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Q: Is the movie 2012 real
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no its not real because just because the movie "2012" doesn't mean its real any ways why would god destroy our earth? No my child 2012 is not real don't believe what movies say it's not true only god will decide when our time has come to an end.

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Yes, a movie called Chronicle exists. It came out in 2012. You can read about it at the Related Link below.

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No, it is not. And the world might or might not end in 2012; who knows? Only God.