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Ralph suggested that they needed to build a fire to attract any passing planes or ships if they wanted to be rescued. Jack led the boys up to to the top of the mountain to build the fire. Both Ralph and Jack worked hard to build a huge bonfire and then, they realised that they had nothing to light it with. They had no matches, no cigarette lighter, nothing. That is why they were both embarrassed.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Jack had focused on the hunting aspect of survival, while Ralph concentrated on building shelter so that they could be safe from nature. So later on, Jack went to hunt a pig while Simon and Ralph were busy building huts. Ralph and Jack argue over the importance and priorities of what had to be done.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Both are capable leaders who are able to command support and respect but employ completely different leadership styles.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

jack was jealous because ralph was elected captain of the kids

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Q: What do Ralph and Jack embarrassingly realize?
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Jack challenged Ralph to go up the mountain to look for the beast with him in the dark. Ralph responds by accepting the challenge and bringing Roger along with him.

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