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Ralph agreed to go with Jack because he was showing Jack he wasn't scared to kill the beast. Jack taunted Ralph and so Jack didn't feel like he had won he agreed to go with ease.

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Q: Why did Ralph agree to go up to the mountain with jack after dark?
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Why did Ralph agree to go up in the mountain with jack after dark?

He wanted to light the fire as a signal to ships or planes passing that might see it.

How does jack challenge Ralph what is Ralph response?

Jack challenged Ralph to go up the mountain to look for the beast with him in the dark. Ralph responds by accepting the challenge and bringing Roger along with him.

How does jack challenge Ralph what is Ralph's response?

Jack challenged Ralph to go up the mountain to look for the beast with him in the dark. Ralph responds by accepting the challenge and bringing Roger along with him.

Who accompanies Ralph and jack up the burned part of the mountain?

Roger accompanies Ralph and Jack up the burned part of the mountain.

Who was Ralph fighting with in the dark?

Ralph was fighting with Jack in the dark. The confrontation was sparked by their ongoing power struggle and disagreements over leadership.

Who climbs the mountain to see the beast and how do they react?

Yes, I have to agree with that about Samneric climbing the Mountain.

What three boys go on the exploration to see if they are indeed on an island in lord of the flies?

Ralph, Jack, and Simon are the three boys who go on an exploration to see if they are indeed on an island in "Lord of the Flies."

What was Jack's answer when Ralph asked why he hated him?

Jack made no reply to Ralph's question and when Ralph turned away and led the boys towards the mountain Jack was at the back of the bunch glowering and brooding.

Which three boys explore the island in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph, Jack, and Simon are the three main boys who explore the island in "Lord of the Flies." They play significant roles in the novel and each represents different aspects of human nature.

What three boys decide head up the mountain?


When Jack questions whether or not Ralph is scared how does Ralph defend himself?

Ralph defends himself by telling Jack that he is by no means afraid and challenges Jack to climb the mountain if he thinks Ralph is scared. He emphasizes that he is not scared and is willing to face whatever dangers lie ahead.

All but what thre boys remain to go up the mountain?

Ralph, Simon, Jack